"One Day," How We Spend Our Days (Cynthia Newberry Martin), April 2021
"Alike," Halfway Down the Stairs, September 2020 "Sacred," The New Ohio Review Summer Online 2020 "Band Camp," Raw Data: Living in the Fallout From the Coronavirus, May 25, 2020 Shape of the Sky (Wind Ridge Books of Vermont) "somewhere never gladly," Do Not Remove (September 2014) "Ophelia Invisible," Best of the Burlington Writers' Workshop, 2013 "What It's Like Living Here," Numéro Cinq, October 2010 "Infinity Falling," Numéro Cinq, September 23, 2010 “Cure For An Ice Cream Headache,” Hunger Mountain, Winter 2008/2009 “Before the Break,” Gulf Stream (Online #1), 2008 “Runway,” Baltimore Review, Summer/Fall 2007 “Comfortless On Bondi Beach,” (Memoir Excerpt), Hot Off the Press: An Australian Anthology, 2005 “Special Powers,” North Dakota Quarterly, Winter/Spring 2005 “Penance,” Hunger Mountain, Spring 2004 “Century,” Short Story, Spring 2003 |
To Buy Shape of the Sky, please use the contact page "I absolutely loved it. Wholly engaging, compassionate, believable, complex characters. I love the way you moved in and out of time, making the reader keep reading to find out what will happen... And so beautifully understated. I felt bereft, after turning that last vibrant page. (I expect you did, too, after you put down the last word.)" - Nancy Means Wright, Vermont author of the Mary Wollstonecraft Series |